Two poles are facing each other. As the client, you want to implement your SAP rollout as efficiently and cost-optimized as possible. On the other side is your consulting firm, which is implementing the project with its services and also pursuing its own interests. Delays in the rollout often occur due to these two conflicts of interest.
Our offer:
With 35 years of practical experience in international rollout in almost all industries, we know from experience when a project leaves the optimal path. Our offer consists of practical advice on how to meet your consulting house at eye level and separate sensible from senseless activities. As an independent partner, we make sure that your project is delivered in terms of change, functionality and deadlines.
Your benefits:
Adherence to schedules, reliable communication with the staff, budgeting that is reliable in terms of planning and finally a functioning SAP system will be your harvest. We work on a daily basis and you book us as a neutral partner optimally before a new project, but also in the recognition of undesirable developments or in case of conflict.
Company: Sited USA Inc & Co. KG - Am Landhagen 16, 59302 Oelde St.-ID.:304/5964/4968 UST-ID:DE355818462 IMPRINT